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Saturday, February 21, 2004
whoopy doop! (never mind..I am insane) The VCs prelim round was over yesterday! It's a pity we didn't get into the semi's, but a consolation is that only 4 super-zai teams managed to get in. Ranked 1st, ACSI. (which won all matches) 2nd, Cat High. 3rd, MGS. 4th, RI. In the semi's, ACSI will meet with RI (yes yes, the traditional arch-rivals), Cat High will meet with MGS. It's a pity I cannot go watch the finals (which will be extremely interesting and enriching) because of Chi Orch practice on that day. =( I can't even go for the NY spar with ACSI on Tuesday because of Chi Orch, again.

All in all, the VCs, despite us not getting into the finals, proved to be a very enriching and fun experience for me. It really was very fun! and funny. I got much experience and exposure from that. Well, after the VCs, I can say at least that I've tried all 3 speaker roles. Right from the beginning of training this year, I tried 1st speaker. For JGs round 1, I was 3rd speaker. For VCs, I was 2nd speaker. Actually I find 2nd and 3rd speaker more interesting. 1st (especially prop) speaker's less scary -- you've got all your substantives. the only thing's the delivery and the POIs. For 2nd speaker, you've to organise rebuttals into issues, the rebuttals bit is rather unexpected (especially for impromptus) but at the end of the day, there's still the substantives to save you. The only bit that I don't like is....the Reply Speech!!! I can't do reply speeches for nuts -- I always always run into OVERTIME (I mean, you've got so little time, only 3 mins!) Either that, or I somehow manage to turn the reply speech into a 3rd speaker's rebuttal speech. As for 3rd speaker...what can I say. It's just totally impromptu. There has to be much structure and organisation, which I unfortunately don't possess. Aileen's a really excellent 3rd speaker! She's charming, and organises issues well. I do wish I can learn from her. I need to brush up on my style. As for my "chinese" accent...I can't do much about it, it just pops up when I lose myself while speaking. :S

(wow, this is the first time in months that I'm really blogging substantially.)

Basically, Ram (our almighty coach) told us that entering the VCs was not about winning or losing, but to actually give us more exposure, that was why the VCs team consisted almost entirely of Team 2 members, except for Aileen (best speaker) who saved the day for us all. So anyway, our first match was against Chinese High. (It seems funny, but Chi High and NY always seem to be facing each other in first rounds of competitions). We proposed This House Would Compromise Civil Liberties for National Security, which they on the other side of the House challenged. After a close debate, we won, with Aileen clinching Best Speaker (why am I not surprised? :P) The adjudicator actually said I was "charming"! Wow, that's a FIRST.*loves the adjudicator*

For Round 2, we faced RI, which proposed that This House Would Place the Environment over the Economy, while we opposed, taking the stand that we would place the Economy over the Environment. Basically I was just in a wacko mood that day, and went on speaking about "the poor innocent children dropping dead like flies every second as I speak now" and how we are all "friends of the Earth, but not friends of our own Mankind". Somehow "why should they care about their future generations, when they possibly cannot even reproduce" popped into my speech and ya, amused Ram and everyone else immensely. At the end, we lost the debate (it was a policy debate, and I didn't know it was). And I got a scolding from the adjudicator, who scolded both RI and NY for a "messy debate".

Round 3 was the most amusing and most screwed-up of all the 3 debates. It was against Cat High, with Cat High proposing that This House Believes that the Government has No Role to Play in the Citizens' Sexual Morality, and with Nanyang opposing. Basically it was the Liberals (them) VS the Conservatives (us). As expected (with such a motion like this), the whole debate was rather "sexually explicit, and not suited for children below 12 yrs of age as well as the faint-hearted" as the Cat High 1st Speaker said at the beginning of his sick and amusing speech. Oh, guess what? the Cat High 2nd Speaker actually said that they've "tried out indecent sex before (the debate) with Durex, and (they) tell us, it's extremely addictive." On his point that anal sex was perfectly alright and not detrimental, I POIed "But don't you see, sir, anuses are not built to facilitate penises". And then I wanted to POI to ask for evidence of erm, this example, but just as well that he turned down the POI. Oh. the 2nd speaker's extremely amusing. In his reply speech, he stood before a table to deliver his speech, and he actually said, "I find this table extremely smooth and addictive, and I want to do something to it" *noise pollution* During my speech, I somehow managed to mention (rebutting their point on freedom of choice) the stupid example of "if you want to have sex with a nun but the nun doesn't want, if you go on with your freedom of choice, won't you eventually have a clash with consent?" *noise pollution again* which was very stupid of me and which I got scolded for later. Then as I was talking about what, only the minority wanting to have indecent sex, the Cat High 2nd Speaker POIed and said, "well, all of us (referring to the cat high speakers) here want to have indecent sex" and I replied, "well then, I'm sorry to say that you belong to the small but rather sad bunch of deprived individuals" (Oooops.) *intense noise pollution, till the Judges yell "Order, order!!!"* The Cat High 3rd Speaker started his speech with "Ladies and gentlemen, you see, we are all products of sex". Another POI, "But sir, we are not products of homo-sex!" *further noise pollution*. ok, maybe I'm not that innocent after all :P. Then Vic, in her 3rd speaker speech, mentions something about "having sex with dogs". Ooops, now you see what debate this actually is. Obviously we lost to Cat High, but I rather enjoyed this highly amusing debate.

I think I shall end this very lengthy post. Bye all!

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