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Monday, March 15, 2004
Macdonald's and fast food is a temptation we must overcome. --random quote by me. :p

I've temporarily changed back to the previous layout --the current layout just won't load! Dinner today (catering food) was horrible. Mom's cooking is waay better.

Towards the later part of today, I was doing my AEP homework, and curiously, whenever I do art, be it drawing or painting, I feel a sense of satisfaction, I feel at ease with myself. And speaking of AEP...I can't help but recall the 2 AEP "camps" I've had so far...the Sec 1 Fashion Design AEP Camp and the Sec 2 Glass Tape Art AEP workshop.

In a certain sense, the Sec 1 AEP camp was much more enjoyable than the Sec 2 one. perhaps the previous spanned over 2 days, and the camaraderie was stronger, as each group worked to design costumes and put up a skit displaying the costumes at the end of the 2 days. Now I recall the vague faces of the group members of other schools, faces I'd known for those 2 memorable days, but have never seen again. (except, of course, those in my school). Just like the trajectory of comets, coming so close for a moment, before spinning off in their separate courses again, almost never to meet again. Leaving only a temporary etch in the dark canvas of the universe, a lingering memory in my mind.

Thinking back, all I recall, is a strongly bonded group and much fun and laughter. Oh yes, it was hilarious, the play! The theme for our fashion design camp was "Superheroes". Which meant, we had to design costumes for superheroes and supervillains too. Which also meant, since we had to make the costumes ourselves, we had to be practical and resort to cutting garbage bags. At the end of it, we came up with a silly script, and I was *thankfully* the narrator (who was too caught up giggling at the play anyway). The superhero was dressed in some white costume, and he was supposed to retrieve some treasure for the queen (hail Stella!), his mother. And Stella actually ordered the poor guy to kneel in front of her (impromptu) on stage, and he had no choice but to obey so as not to screw up the play. The villain, on the other hand, was this other guy dressed in black. And oh, guess what his mode of weapon was? ..air pollution...hang on, it does not describe it well enough. DISCLAIMER: I, in NO way, came up with the idea. The idea is ALL accredited to the guy acting the villain himself. Anyway, he was the, erm, erm, Evil Stinky Armpit-hair Man. *laughs* Yes its all very lame. You can imagine what the costume is like already. The other plays were very interesting too.

As for the 2nd AEP workshop...well, what can I say. It was more a workshop than a camp. Less fun. But still rather interesting on the whole. We literally stuck coloured tape on the glass walls of the Glass Hall at Singapore Art Museum, presented it, then peeled the tape away again. Still, it was rather fun.

I just wish there's another AEP Camp this year.

What can I say? .....I like Art. I like AEP. :)

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