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Saturday, March 27, 2004
I'm highly encouraged by the tags, so I shall blog. =)

let's see. March hols: quite fun. on the first Saturday, there was a spar against Anglican 2, and we found that their speakers weren't so scary after all -- in fact they were rather nice. On Tuesday, there was a spar against Cat High 2, the motion being : This House would Legalise Gay Marriages. *grins* with us being the Opp, of course. (Side-Note: It seems whenever we spar with Cat High we'll get motions concerning homosexuality, and they'll get the gay side of the motion. Just a side-note, nothing implied.) After which, there was a party for A Div Debaters, which was rather fun too, just that towards the end, the momentum tapered off and I found that I was dying to quickly go home and sleep. Friday I went to 'Manda's house to prep for JGs and we had a great time, finished the case-set, before 'manda and I went to Junction 8 to play. the DDR part was fun, the car-racing part wasn't fun, because the car-racing at the J8 arcade was too draggy and long (18 minutes for one race!) DDR is fun! Of course, that's when you have a range of songs to select, not just the same 2nd ReMix.

Sadly, the holidays have passed all too soon and it's the start of school again. Coupled with JGs, I could hardly cope through this week, and fatigue is showing on my face *panda eyes*. And yes, the JGs.

We didn't get in. We lost to SCGS 1. It just had to happen. It was so much like the 1st round against IJTP, which we lost too. The same type of motions. The same side of the House. The same kind of stylistically superior team. Almost like a premonition. A brief moment of victory a few weeks past, and now the feeling of defeat sets in again. Claudia tells us, don't be sad, there's still a long way to go, you've just started debating this year, you've still got next year. Yes, I suppose that's true. Yes, we've still got another year to go. We'll make sure we make it into the quarters and (hopefully) the semi's next year. Thanks, Ram, Yvette, seniors, Team 1, and juniors. (and of course, Mr Chan) And I'm really happy that Team 1's ranked 2nd! Hope they make it all the way to finals. You're fantastic, Team 1. =)

And there's the Flag Day today. I came rather late (reached around 10.30, as I had a headache in the morning.) but managed to fill 1/4 of the tin in around 1 or 2 hours. (it's quite an achievement :p) Was selling flags alone at this open terrace above Marina Square, but after a while, I had some (but not a lot) of my business stolen by some evil Chi High people. Finally after collecting considerable amount of money, I made my way back to Orchard, along the way, I met several people, and finally met Renyi and went along with her for lunch at Taka. Though it was swelteringly hot, at the end of the day, I don't think selling flags was as bothersome as I dreaded it to be. Well at least I learnt a few things: 1. The girls are nicer. :p that's because generally, females empathise more and donate money. 2. The pleasant-looking aunties with sweet little kids are nice and will donate money. 3. It's much nicer, and more efficient, to sell flags in pairs or in little groups.

Mom's getting crankier every day. She's pissed with me because she thinks I'm getting too involved with Debates and she thinks Debates is totally unimportant and that only mugging and finishing homework and i-don't-know-what-crap is important. Nagging and complaining every single day -- I can't stand it. Well, now I can't get into the Quarters, she better be happy now -- that's what she wants isn't it? All that crap about studying -- that's not all that matters.

I want to go away. Away, to some distant countries. Alone, or with friends, maybe. Get away from home, get away from school, tests, homework, stress. A w a y .

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